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Advanced Usage

Query Filters

Use structured query syntax to filter entries from your knowledge based used by search results or chat responses.

  • Word Filter: Get entries that include/exclude a specified term
    • Entries that contain term_to_include: +"term_to_include"
    • Entries that contain term_to_exclude: -"term_to_exclude"
  • Date Filter: Get entries containing dates in YYYY-MM-DD format from specified date (range)
    • Entries from April 1st 1984: dt:"1984-04-01"
    • Entries after March 31st 1984: dt>="1984-04-01"
    • Entries before April 2nd 1984 : dt<="1984-04-01"
  • File Filter: Get entries from a specified file
    • Entries from file: file:""
  • Combined Example
    • what is the meaning of life? file:"" dt>="1984-01-01" dt<="1985-01-01" -"big" -"brother"
    • Adds all filters to the natural language query. It should return entries
      • from the file
      • containing dates from the year 1984
      • excluding words "big" and "brother"
      • that best match the natural language query "what is the meaning of life?"